I wish they'd stop using phrases like "a catchy title" and "add your great post here"... It certainly doesn't fill me with inspiration...more like mortal dread that whatever I write will never be good enough... "Buy these shoes or you will die pointless and quickly forgotten!" etc...
Anyway, I'm not writing this to rant and rave about the desolate state of humanity...actually I probably will do such now and then, increasingly difficult not to, but it is not my intent at the moment...
Right then...I have sent out the second call for the Undercroft Exhibition in October and so far have received two definite nos and one definite yes...a few others have vaguely hinted that they might want to get involved, but that's all... Exciting! I've heard that organising artists is like herding cats, but in my experience cats are easy... Oh well, chop wood and carry water, as they say...that, at least, is one thing that "they" got right...work hard and do what you can to benefit the world around you...the world around you, of course, carries on regardless...
As it currently stands there will be six artists exhibiting...four of them exhibited together here last July. A painter, a sculptor, a printer, a photographer and two miscellaneous installation-type guys in a dark, damp underground carpark...I have to say, it looks quite interesting on paper...we shall see. My only real fear is that the exhibition looks exactly the same as the one last year... We have a title/theme already this year so that's novel, I guess...